I just couldn’t get over this quote I had to share it . “That you , yourself, th

I just couldn’t get over this quote I had to share it .
“That you , yourself, this whole big drama .
It was never anything but a jerry-rig of presumption and dumb will and you could just let go .
Finally now that you didn’t have to hold on so tight .
To realize that ,
All your life – you know all your love , all your hate , all your memory, all your pain it was all the same thing , it was all the same dream , a dream that you had inside a locked room , a dream about being a person .
And like a lot of dreams…
There’s a monster at the end of it ”
Rust cohle
#True_detective ❤️

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  1. Islam Roy Dıcruz dňa مارس 10, 2024 o 11:09 ص

    شوفي سطوري تاعي امس حطيت مشهد تاع نفس الممثل اليوم خرجلي 😃

  2. Ÿôùçëf Ârsënãl dňa مارس 10, 2024 o 11:29 ص

    My favourite quote from him is pinned on my profile from the same series 💜

  3. Amine Amourà dňa مارس 10, 2024 o 1:17 م

    افضل حوار دار في السيري 1 كامل💛

  4. Khaled Bouhafs dňa مارس 10, 2024 o 4:27 م

    this scene is stupendous.

  5. Mohammed Elsaleh dňa مارس 10, 2024 o 4:42 م

    what is this supposed to mean ? thats like talking and not saying anything .. I used to idolize these kind of quotes when i was younger . But later in life , u ll realize being a good person is an easy choice .

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